KNVA CW Austin’s Songwriter’s Across Texas Performance
Songwriter’s Across Texas freatures legends and emerging songwriters on KNVA CW Austin Sunday mornings at 11:30am Central Time. Cheryl was honored to perform her song “Other Side of Loving You” with the Songwriter’s Across Texas house band including the legendary talented Redd Volkaert, Nick Connolly, Wes Starr, and Billy Horton. The episode was taped October 2013 and…Read More

Late Bloomer album featured on KUTX’s Texas Music Matters
David Brown of KUTX interviews Cheryl about the album and her inspiration for the title track “Late Bloomer” and more on Texas Music Matters. Click here to listen to the one hour radio show that includes the interview with Cheryl and other Texas Artists.

Late Bloomer now available at Waterloo records
Please stop by and support Waterloo Records, one of Austin’s finest local establishments, and while you’re there pick up a copy of Cheryl’s new CD! Not in town? You can buy online!

San Marcos CD release show and birthday celebration! – July 11th
Join Cheryl and the full band for her hometown CD release show at the Cheatham Street Warehouse and a celebration of her birthday!

Good Day Austin Peformance July 11th
Cheryl will be playing some songs from the new CD live! It’s her birthday and later that evening is her San Marcos CD release show so come out and help her celebrate!

Texas Music Matters – KUTX
Be sure to tune in to KUTX – 98.9 FM to hear Cheryl play a few songs and talk about the newly released CD Late Bloomer. The interview will be aired Friday June 28th 12:00PM CST, 11:00PM CST and Saturday morning on KUT.

Live on KOOP FM
Tune in to hear Cheryl play live on KOOP FM 91.7 June 6th @ 1:00PM!

Welcome to the new cherylmurdock.com! Stay tuned and check back for updates and information!

Austin Artist of The Month
The Austin Music Foundation names Cheryl Murdock as their Artist of The Month for June 2013.

The highly anticipated record, produced by Kevin McKinney and Cheryl Murdock will be available June 8th on iTunes. Pre-order your copy today on iTunes!